Saturday, August 06, 2005

Bush Sliding--But Does He Give a Rat's Derriere?

Sometimes the polls surprise even a jaded Bush basher such as me. Yesterday's MSNBC's online poll about Bush's waging of the Iraq war:
15% thought he was doing a good job
2% weren't sure, and
83% thought he was doing a bad job

Wow! That's only a measure of the MSNBC online surfers who were willing to take the poll--hardly scientific, but a measure nonetheless.

A far more accurate poll shows that his numbers have never been worse. Bush's handling of Iraq is at 38%. With a sizeable percentage of Americans still support GW Bush, the Iraq question clearly threatens many Bush supporters' views of Bush. Because nearly 2 of every 3 Americans don't like how he's managing the war.

Bush is overwhelmed with concern for these awful new numbers. How's he showing concern? By taking a month-long vacation at his Crawford ranch. Bush doesn't so much think of what he has as a presidency anymore, but as a monarchy. Who cares what the people think? They don't know what's good for them!

Ah, but there's more...overall job approval hovers at 42%, which is quite low. Disapproval is quite high, at 55%. The honesty issue is also a clear divider in American opinion. 48% believe Bush is honest, and a whopping 52% believe he is not. More than half of Americans believe we have a dishonest president.

The last poll item, and perhaps the most damning, is 60% of respondents' belief that America's headed in the wrong direction.

This is the alarm bell ringing and ringing and ringing, and it's up to Democrats to respond: 6 of every 10 Americans say we're going the wrong direction. Democrats have another direction. Democrats need to voice what direction that is. Democrats need to offer their alternative so that we can give those 6 of 10 Americans a place to feel comfortable.

Bush has, in a sense, made it easy for us. He's such a phenomenally bad leader that finally, finally Americans are getting it. Democrats: you up to the task?


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