Your President: Mr. I-Won't-Lie. What a Sleazebag
The Republicans tell us that this Karl Rove thing is a tempest in a teapot...
(that's a remakable image, a wonderful use of the English language, isn't it? Comparing a tempest
[A violent windtorm, frequently accompanied by rain, snow, or hail] to the very contained tumult which happens when you boil water in a teapot...brilliant use of metaphor. God, I love words!)
...just more falderal from we liberals.
Allow me, if I might, to cite a thing or two which might cause even those not of the liberal bent, to register strongly on your bullshit meter: Originally Bush spoke out and said that anyone on his staff who leaked information about CIA operative Valerie Plame would be fired. Then the other day Bush said that anyone who "committed a crime" in the case would be fired. It takes no Rhodes scholar to determine that a crime is only a crime once someone's convicted of having committed one. That determination will only happen after months-n-months, perhaps years' worth of legal wrangling.
So Bush says one thing then, and quite another thing now. I don't know where you were raised, but here in Red-land Texas, that's called a flip-flop.
The nature of this flip-flop is a little different though. Back when Bush made his original statement, the idea of this all coming out was so remote that he was indiscreet with his word choice. Now that each of his words are being gone over with a fine-toothed word to speak...he's being far more careful. He resists the bizarre notion of actually being held to account for what he's saying. And after five years of not being held to account for those things which fall out of his mouth, why in God's name start now?
The Republicans snort and cackle and rant and rave about Clinton's "depends on what the meaning of is, is..." talk (I kinda did too). But they rationalize away Bush's flip-flop so that he doesn't have to live up to his pledge to fire Karl Rove.
How do you stupid shits sleep at night? Your walk and your talk don't align. Your word and your deed are often poles apart. Your pledge of honesty and your corrupt administration bear no resemblance.
I take consolation in knowing that never have Bush's approval ratings been so low. Never have Americans trusted him less. Maybe, just maybe, the jig is up.
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