Saturday, July 23, 2005

Randi Rhodes, Stephanie Miller & Joe Wilson Dropped By Today... a friend's house. John Conyers dropped by as well. They were very funny and very serious, and almost at the same time.

If you're thinking my friend must be someone important, you're right, she is. But while she's important, she's no celebrity. She's a 50-something grandma, former army nurse who's concerned about the direction this country's headed. A dozen or so of her friends (I'm one) dropped in too, and dialed up for a conference call that was being heard from coast to coast, and all the way to Alaska and Queensland, Australia. The conference call was enabled by John Conyers folks in order to keep people connected to the stories that your press isn't adequately covering.

The liberal media is not earning its stripes in the whole Rovegate and Downing Street Memo issues, and continues to almost behave as if it's serving the interests of the ultra rich and those in power. (that's a joke...because that's precisely how they're behaving!)

But back to current headlines, or more accurately, the headlines we should be seeing, but aren't: former CIA agent Larry Johnson testified before a session of Democrats on Friday. For his video testimony, go here. If you're a Republican, I double-dog dare you to go there. In fact, I challenge you now: you don't have the nerve to go there and watch his testimony!

(For Democrats only: I'm challenging Republicans' macho tendencies. Perhaps questioning their manhood if they don't go there will cause them to go there. If they do, they'll see a dedicated CIA guy pissed off at what's been done to Valerie Plame. He worked with her and has a perspective that we haven't yet heard, and if the allegedly liberal media has its way, we will continue not to hear from him!)

But back to the conference call I was talking about originally. It was great being here in the red state homeland of our shameful president, a houseful of true blue Democrats rallying behind the cause and feeling connected with others, all the way to Alaska and beyond. If you're reading this blog I encourage you to connect with those of your kind. And most especially if you reside in the liberal wasteland of red states. The only way to slow down and stop those dismantling what makes our country great, and to turn things around, is to connect with others who believe the way you do. Get involved with your local Democratic party, or perhaps the Democracy For America people. Don't be turn blue!


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