I Take NO Satisfaction In Being Right This Time
But as I predicted,Bush did it. John Bolton's been appointed Ambassador to the UN.
Bush did the ol' end-around, avoiding having to be further embarrassed by civil peoples' reaction to his freakish choice for Ambassador. What I don't understand is how he can be appointed to represent the US at the UN when it actuality, Bolton doesn't even believe that it exists. Think I've been smoking crack? Go here and watch him say so yourself.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, whose job it was to help Bolton pass un-caught through their net, thus sending his nomination to the senate for a confirmation vote, instead landed themselves a whale of a controversy. Republican George Voinovich of Ohio probably said it best when he called Bolton
"the poster child of what someone in the diplomatic corps should not be."
Republican Senator Richard Lugar, a white-haired waterboy for the home team, said more than he intended to when he said about Bolton
"...there is no evidence that he has broken laws or engaged in serious ethical misconduct."
And to our knowledge he's molested no small boys, nor shot down any American Eagles...that's good enough for me!
So now it's done. GW Bush has continued in his mode of Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead! (or in this case, backward)
It's odd that 5 short (?) years after Bush first took office, the notion of being proud of what this country stands for and how it comports itself on the world stage seems...seems almost quaint and naive. I feel nostalgic for a time when the UN Ambassador wouldn't arrive at the UN greeted as he was today.
I apologize for the morose tone of this. Today at my chat room of choice for people in the Television field Bush supporters were doing their nanny-nanny-boo-boo routine, laughing at those of us who thought Bolton was a bad idea. And it occurred to me how far we'd slidden that mature journalistic adults were taking cheap pleasure in the appointment against the will of a thoughtful and discerning group of people, of a man widely known as a bully and a jerk. And far worse than that unsettling thought is what happens when I ponder what he'll be doing for the next 17 months.
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