Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's....beginning to look at

If you're looking for a prescient examination of up-to-the-minute details in Prosecutor Fitzgerald's investigation, with informed detail-oriented observations, you've stumbled onto the wrong blog. I just thought it was time to post a few thoughts about what's going on.

The Grand Jury clock is ticking down. It's defacate, or get off the pot time. I haven't anticipated anything so much since that time I spent 4 months in another time zone and flew back to Texas to see the wife.

I have an Austin friend who calls me at least once daily to check in and see if there's anything I've heard that he hasn't. Being in the news bidness, I have the Associated Press on my desktop and if there's anything fabulously newsworthy my computer will ding at me. Suffice it to say I'm longing for the dinging.

This part-time political observer thinks the Republican party is l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g overdue for a hard slap across their collective face. After years of them talking God, guns and gays instead of jobs, peace and security, the Republican leadership needs to be humbled. I'm talking drawing and quartering! They should be tarred and feathered, then run out on the rail, and let the bums deal with them! They're a sorry bunch, the whole lot of them.

But rather than just listen to me rant and rave, you should do something else...go here and take a look at a six-minute video. It's excellent site--and the video is a CNN interview with former CIA operative and Valerie Plame classmate Larry Johnson. He meets head-on and debunks many of the Novak-disseminated disinformation that's become lore of right wing world of late. Once you go to the site, page down. If you see Bill O'Reilly's splotchy face you've gone too far. It's right above that.

Good viewing...and it'll whet your appetite so that tomorrow--let's hope--you'll have a very merry Fitzmas!


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