Heading Back To Crawford
We'll be on the road by 7:30 heading for the sweatbath at Crawford.
Cindy Sheehan was on Real Time with Bill Maher tonight. Bill tried to throw her a couple of hardballs, but she did really well anyway. For this nobody of a housewife, she's damned smart, and suprisingly quick on the uptake. When he was done with her he told her "a straight up thanks for what you're doing." Looks like Bill's a fan, too.
I don't want to suggest I'm fawning over Cindy Sheehan. I am quite grateful that someone emerged to be the face of the anti-war movement. She didn't emerge as a carefully chosen spokesmodel. She wasn't the choice of a PR firm somewhere. She was just a mother outraged at why her son had to die.
So This time five of us go: my wife and daughter and myself, plus my daughter's gymnastics team partner and her mother. They've been kinda cheering us on from the sidelines, and just decided to jump in. I'm real happy about that.
It'll be a looooong day. About 3 & 1/2 hours up and 3 & 1/2 hours back, plus hours and hours in the heat. It could be contentious. The YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR US CINDY caravan is supposed to get there tomorrow as well. Wish us luck.
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