Friday, September 02, 2005

An Odder Than Normal Weak

I work in television and have spent a good deal of time in satellite feed rooms and edit suites having editors build pieces of video to try and capture the length and breadth of the Katrina Hurricane disaster, to help viewers process what's gone on. I've come home emotionally exhausted every day, and that's followed immediately by embarrassment. I'm embarrassed that looking at other peoples' suffering makes me feel as though I'm suffering.

Hell, I'm in an air conditioned building. I know where all my relatives are. I'm sitting in my at least middle class home. And I drive a truck whose gas I can increasingly not afford.

I don't even know misery.

The fingers have begun to be pointed. While I'm indelibly on the left end of things, I'm a pragmatist and a reality buff. As far as I'm concerned whoever's to blame for the way things shook out, they oughtta pay, regardless of party affiliation.

I had an altercation with a guy who's just to the right of Ann Coulter. We were watching a piece of video within which a woman says "There's a woman over there in contractions, and nobody's doin' nothin'!"

He snickered and asked "What does she want 'em to do?"
"Oh I don't know...maybe give her some medical attention!" I exclaimed. That precipitated an argument wherein I was dismissed with "They're doing everything they can!"

But you shouldda seen the look on his face when I said "How do you know?"

Clearly it had never occurred to question words that fell out of Bush's mouth.

The biggest offender by far though is Katrina, or if you prefer, God. Given that, I think we should start with the 2nd most offensive offender, the President. This guy is no good in a disaster. Sure, his spontaneous John Wayne dance played quite well standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center. That was a combination of serendipity, luck, a well-groomed Texas accent, and America's thirst for a monosyllabic answer to very difficult questions.

This Katrina disaster actually requires true leadership. This guy was born with a silver spoon up his ass and knows little of actual leaderhip. Imagine if you will: Katrina hit New Orleans in 1943. Can you imagine FDR doing very little for the first four days? That guy did more in his wheelchair before breakfast than Bush does on his treadmill all week.

Ah, but I shouldn't rant and rave. I'll leave you with the "please do what you can" advice. Red Cross is considered by most to be one of the best.


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At 11:57 AM, Blogger Virginia said...

Maddog is aptly named. With all the insulting criticisms the bush worshippers give to Democrats, they have no business saying Democrats shouldn't criticize.

How come no one is talking about Cheney,who was on vacation until Thursday night?

At 7:54 PM, Blogger VTexan said...

Maddog old buddy!
Welcome back...I guess. That you're here must mean you find something of value here...I suppose.

Regarding FDR: I don't agree. FDR fought a war with a front in western Europe, North Africa, and across THOUSANDS of miles in the Pacific. He did so without fax or e-mail or satellite communications. FDR had to rebuild a navy that was essentially destroyed at Pearl Harbor, and had to do so with an economy that was limping badly. He had to decide whether or not to unleash nuclear weapons on the world. And he had to muster the strength to defeat the most successful madman dictator ever. He did all this with a country which had all but stopped believing in itself. And he did it all from a wheelchair.

You should be embarrassed to compare the challenges--or the leadership qualities--of FDR and GW Bush. The fact is, FDR had those qualities. GW Bush doesn't.

Regarding now not being the time for "hatred," now is obviously the time to take care of business for the evacuees. No argument from me there.

But regarding the criticism of the Bush administration, your party always wants to talk about things l-a-t-e-r. Patriot Act? Gotta pass it time to read it. WMD? They're there! We know where they are. Remember Rumsfeld with his exact locations he laid out? We couldn't take the time, we had to invade NOW. Get ready for Katrina, mobilize the troops? Nah...I've got a vacation to finish.

When does your party of responsibility wish to schedule being held accountable? I've got my daytimer open. Give me a day.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger VTexan said...

Facts about GWB:
--He was a total fuckup in life living off of other people's money 'til he was in his 40's.
--Then he got in with the Texas Rangers, and subsequently was tapped by financial backers to become governor.
--He had the world's sympathy after that and pissed it all away.
--He started a war he didn't have to that has cost us 300 billion dollars so far; much more to come.
--He's the only president who proposed limiting the rights of Americans, when he wanted to make a constitutional amendment to not recognize gay marriage.
--Nearly everything he's done as president has benefitted wealthy and been a strain on the poor.
--Tax cuts which release some of the expense of operating the govt from the wealthy and put that burden on to the un-wealthy.

Gosh, other than that he's been an OUTstanding president! Let's flip that coin: what's Bush done that you'd call great?

Regarding leadership from the left in this disaster:
2. We've been putting a huge amount of pressure for this administration--who's in charge--to do something.
3. Al Gore has spent $100,000 of his own money chartering an airplane, flying to New Orleans and picking up 270 evacuees to take to Tennessee. Asked to be interviewed about it and he wasn't interested. That's some class.

Regarding the left undermining Bush: It's not the left that's undermining him, it's his own cluelessness. Americans tend to respond to positive, proactive action. They tend to resent seeing thousands of people, obviously desperate, chanting "HELP HELP HELP HELP!"

A new Newsweek Poll is out and Madddog, I think you're out of touch with America. Excerpts:
"Only 38 percent of Americans approve of the way Bush is doing his job overall."

"And only 28 percent of Americans say they are “satisfied with the way things are going” in the country, down from 36 percent in August and 46 percent in December."

You, my Bush-supporting friend, are now the minority. America's changing its opinion of Bush, and not because of the left. It's because of his performance.

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason we read it is so we can laugh our asses off. You guys are so off your rocker you don't even realize how stupid you look. And please, what's with the get-ups-if you are so proud of being Major Huge Radicals lets see your dopey faces. Who are you hiding from anyway...employers, friends, people in your town, or is it your kids you are hiding from.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger VTexan said...

Thanks for your thoughtful, intelligent and articulate insight.

I would point out in the name of accuracy that I don't actually have a rocker, so technically, I can't be off it.

Thanks again!

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