Saturday, September 10, 2005

Will Katrina Blow George Out of the White House?

There's a certain glee amongst folks like me. Finally, oh dear God finally GW Bush's teflon coating may be wearing so thin that his actual job performance may finally be sticking to him.
I think it's time to fess up, and I want to be clear about this: I hate George W. Bush.

I don't say those words lightly. It's not hard for me to dislike certain folks, but I hate damned few. I reserve that for the tiny number who not only do not good, but they do damage. Ol' GW qualifies easily.

I'm of the opinion that GW Bush may have greased the skids on the changing of the USA in a way that the country of my youth will never exist again. The balance of power, always in the hands of the movers and shakers, has shifted further away from the powerless. The options for the lower class have diminished measurably, and their remedies are drying up like the phantom water on a desert highway.

Compassionate Conservatism has emerged as a cruel joke. It was the first in a line of Bush misnomers that continued with No Child Left Behind, Clear Skies Initiative, and Healthy Forests Initiative. These phrases are actually 180 degrees away from their actual effect, which is in fact the reason they're called what they're called.

If there's anything Karl Rove knows as well as I know Texas is hot, it's that Americans are busy and have a marginal interest in the minutia of politics. As such, he likes to call a program that will have ill effects on those things that we value something positive. We see phrases like the above and think "Yeah, I don't want any kids left behind. Who's not for clear skies?" And "I love our forests...who wouldn't want them to be healthy?"

Our inattention has been this administration's best friend. Which is the upshot of this post. Politics has become a sport of the few and dedicated. Put simply, they're more dedicated than we are. Because of that they've taken over, they've won the trust of America despite their bizarre objectives.

Those of us on the left need to re-commit our time, our energy our money, to get the word out. Here in Texas where we're far outnumbered by Republicans, we need to speak out. We need to write letters to the editor. We need to be informed.

The good ol' USA can't take another Republican President, at least no one in the mold of GW Bush. And the only way to be sure that doesn't happen is to not let it happen. We've got our walking orders. Now all we need to do is walk.


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