What's the Deal With Right-Wingers and Judges?
You'd think the recent bad hits Republicans had taken over Delay's veiled threats to judges ("The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior.") and then Senator John Cornyn's damned
stupid follow-up and reaction to it, that maybe they would take the foot off the accelerator a bit and let the engines cool.
There you go, using your common sense again! I'm talking about the Republican leadership, who, if you look very carefully, is on a mad rush toward a Taliban-esque one-ness of thought. It goes something like this:
We're always right. They're always wrong. Period.
And the only reason it's not something that I laugh about is that these folks aren't a curiosity. They're in charge.
But back to my original point. In this article we find that conservative leaders went to Washington to discuss the topic "Remedies to Judicial Tyranny." Mmm...to which tyrannical judges might they be referring? How about Reagan appointee Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy?
"Okay" you're thinking. "Just more theatrics from the bizarro parade of the right wing of the right wing party...no biggie, right?" Wrong. Then lawyer/author Edwin Vieira says this about Kennedy, quoting of all people, Joseph Stalin: "He had a slogan, and it worked very well for him, whenever he ran into difficulty: 'no man, no problem,' " Vieira said.
If you're scratching your head wondering exactly what that was supposed to mean, maybe you'd like to see the rest of the Stalin quote: "Death solves all problems: no man, no problem."
So...why hasn't Edwin Viera been at least questioned by police for threatening a Supreme Court Justice? Because as I said before, these folks are in charge. (this is the point where, if it hasn't before, you hear the Twilight Zone music and a chill runs up your spine.)
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