Republicans: The Party of Hypocrisy
First, an apology to you respectable Republicans. I know you're out there. I know a number of respectable Republicans. But your party leadership, and a goodly percentage of your representatives are slimes of the highest order. On 2nd thought, they're slimes of the lowest order. I wouldn't want to give them any more credit than they deserve.
My current beef--and it's an Omaha corn-fed critter of massive proportions--is the Terri Schiavo case. I'm no medical ethicist. But after 15 years of measureable un-responsiveness, it seems pretty odd to not let her go to her just rewards. Her wishes were to not be kept alive medically. Her husband wants to let her go. But her parents can't handle it.
My beef is not with her parents. As far as I'm concerned, they have the right to try whatever they want. It's our Republican government and the President that I'd like to throttle. This culture of life thing they've been tossing out in poetic terms, and whispers and seemingly heartfelt gestures is a poles-apart message than was delivered with the Shock-n-Awe. That Culture-of-life message killed as many as 100,000 Iraqis. If you have the misfortune to live in Darfur, that message-of-life thing isn't playing too well. Another place where the culture-of-life is systematically dying is here in Texas where we kill more people convicted of murder than anywhere in the US.
Ah, but that's not all. There's the little matter of a bill then Governor GW Bush signed before his late-life discovery of the culture of life. The bill allows hospitals against the will of patients' parents to disconnect life support from said patients, amongst other reasons, for the inability to pay.
That ol' Culture o' Life gives way to the Culture o' Cash on the barrelhead. And Mr. Bush, despite the Tsunami-caused great loss of life, couldn't be bothered to even appear outside of his ranch to make a statement of concern and commit to significant help after two days. Yet the potential death of ONE PERSON warranted cutting short a ranch weekend to get back to DC and sign a bill. Why? To properly exploit Terri Schiavo medical condition to the benefit of the Republican party.
But wait! There's more! The Republicans circulated a memo to themselves detailing how they can exploit the Terri Schiavo case at the Democrats' expense.
Americans: how much longer will you allow these sleazebags to continue to say one thing, and do another?
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