Wednesday, March 09, 2005

There's something happening here...what it is ain't exactly clear...

It's an interesting, if troubling, read. But read it you should. Penned by Congressman John Conyers out of Michigan, he's talking about what he fears is going on with our Democracy.

Many Americans think the different viewpoints of Republicans and the Democrats as simply a different perspective on how to manifest our Democracy. And I think that evaluation was, at one time, quite correct.

Times have changed.

We now have a government actively working towards lessening the rights and abilities of its most vulnerable taxpayers to resolve financial problems. Yesterday's passage of the bankruptcy bill is tilted towards money and away from the little guy.

This article points out that half of people declaring bankruptcy is due to overwhelming medical bills. While the inadequacy of our health care system makes people choose between health insurance and their children's needs, that fact isn't even as bad as the picture actually gets. Having insurance is by no means the fix for medical problems. How could that be? Because as the same article points out, 68% of those who file for bankruptcy because of health expenses actually have health insurance!

There's something very, very wrong going on here.

Mr. Bush calls himself a compassionate conservative, yet someone with compassion would be coming somehow--any way possible--to the aid of families destroyed by medical bills. But instead of doing so, Mr. Bush supported the bankruptcy bill. He's also on a 60-day stump to turn the tide around in his (thus far) losing battle to destroy Social Security.

While Social Security does need to be fixed, keep in mind: it won't quite be able to meet all its obligations (drumroll please) 37 years from now! I'm all about fixing problems...but good God a'mighty! What about the families who are being destroyed right now? Mr. Bush: where is your compassionate conservatism?


At 6:03 AM, Blogger VTexan said...

Thanks for your comments Maddog. Regarding the real brass tacks of financial matters, I consider myself pretty ill-informed. I DO have enough common sense to see some errors in the idea of borrowing trillions to finance something which has no surety. For many/most it will likely work well.

But there will be significant numbers of folks who will be left with little or nothing. Will we have to then pay for those folks a 2nd time?

And the one group who we KNOW will do well on this are the money managers and/or Wall Street. To me this is yet another standard of the Bush Presidency: we know it'll benefit the advantaged. It may or may not benefit the poor.

And I think you're right about money management not just being a problem with GW Bush. In fact, I think they're are a significant number of "born again economists" (for lack of a better term) amongst Democrats: people whose reaction to Bush's horrible job with spending are re-committed to being responsible with tax dollars.

I know that speaking for myself, the economy's never been so important than it is to me now.


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