Sunday, February 20, 2005

Gannon: Why It Matters

There are those who say that GOPUSA/Talon News reporter Jeff Gannon's softball questions are simply that: non-challenging questions, and nothing else. So what? And that maybe the press shouldn't have so adversarial a relationship with the President. Allright then; let's look at that.

The President is the single most powerful person in the world. He is surrounded by folks whose main job is to give him what he asks for. In this particular president, his party controls the House of Representatives and the Senate. Turns out, people from his philosophical viewpiont also control the Supreme Court.

Power looks after itself. While the holders of Power may well have a philosophical viewpoint, Power doesn't tend to look at issues as right or wrong, but as "what we want VS what they want." So it's philosophically counterintuitive for power to give ANY of itself up. And when a President's party also holds the House/Senate/Supreme Court, it's the perfect setup for corruption to flourish.

Your first thought may be that GW Bush is an incorruptible man. I think you're quite wrong, but let's not argue about that. Instead, let's push this outside of GW Bush and into those with whom he surrounds himself. Bush is not too interested in details. He always wants the executive summary, not the laboriously-detailed reports. This is not my opinion; this is widely known.

Imagine shrewd, top-of-their-game folks who also have almost unimagineable power reporting to a guy who cares little of detail. This is the perfect combination of elements for corruption to thrive. Think Cheney/Halliburton and their swoop into Iraq, followed by overcharges by the tens of millions. Just an accounting error you think? Why do these accounting errors always benefit those who make them? It never goes the other way.

Our government consists of three arms: the executive (President), legislative (House-Senate), and the judicial (Supreme Court). Then there's the press. The press is the unofficial 4th leg of the stool of Democracy. The press is usually allowed unusual access to the halls of power, and this is by design. Without the press, the three other arms of government are only accountable on election day, and even then the judicial has no accounting. If the two other arms are able to effectively fool the electorate, then that accountability amounts to nothing.

The press is uniquely positioned to look after the rights of the people. During Presidential news conferences, and on editorial pages and political television programs, the press can raise questions, can ask for accountability...for the people. It's an important function, and given the dynamics of the President having more power than ever, the press has never been more important than it is now.

And suddenly, there's Jeff Gannon. He doesn't just lob softballs to the president. He specifically positions the administration as right and those who might question them silly. The question that got the most attention was when he asked "How are you going to work with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?" Had Gannon asked what Bush's plans to work with the Democrats are, or if it's going to be hard to get through to them, or does Bush feel they'll be receptive to their ideas are perfectly legitimate questions. But what he did ask is not journalistic. If he were actually a journalist, he'd know that. But a 2-day how-to does not a journalist make.

But why stop with just that question? Wouldn't it be neat if someone had compiled a clip of all the Jeff Gannon questions one after the other so that you could judge him as a journalist by all of what he said? Guess what? Someone did. And This is it. Thanks to Bruce in Austin for sending it to me. Give it a listen and see if this sounds like a journalist. 'Til next time...


At 5:58 PM, Blogger VTexan said...

Angry Canine--
First, thanks for the kind words on your earlier post.
I think I know why you like what I say even though you disagree with it: my beliefs are like a wheel and at that wheel's hub is common sense.
Regarding "the left's" extreme reaction, I'm accountable for my own words, no one else's. Although I'll now detail a little more about my personal outrage.
1. Gannon's job of writing (or if you will, re-writing White House press releases)doesn't actually meet your definition of journalist on your previous comment. Talon is ONLY an on-line journal and not "newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts" per your definition. He also earned no journalism degree. So using two clear litmus tests: a dictionary's definition and/or a college degree, there's NO legitimate way to call him journalist.
He IS an IST, but the IST he is is OPPORTUNIST.
So SOMEhow a man without a journalism degree and NO experience as a journalist was given regular access to the White House Press briefings. Imagine if you will what kind of fantastic screening processes there must be since the terrorist acts of 9-11. Surely surely SUREly to get within 10 feet of the president you either need to be vetted to a H-U-G-E degree, or you need to have a bud who's high up saying "let him in."
There's not a snowball's chance in hell that he could get in if he'd been properly vetted. Surely we can agree on that. If he weren't denied because he wasn't a journalist, surely he'd be denied given that he was a male prostitute. Surely.
2. Which brings me to my 2nd outrage: the whole homosexual thing. I REALLY don't care about someone's sexual preference I'm one of those folks who have seen boys from an early NON-sexual age behave girlish. Then sure enough 8 years later they're flaming homosexuals. So I think a goodly percentage of gayfolk are following genetic dictates.
It should be noted that I was in the Vermont State House for the Civil Unions hearings and it was amazing. I went in unconvinced on either side, and I left thinking that they deserved the rights I have.
So I don't give one hoot that he likes guys. I DO give a hoot that someone so close to the administration is a call girl (who happens to be a boy). That puts whoever put him in the Press Corps open to massive blackmailing. There are any number of behind-the-scenes reasons that this could mean trouble.
I probably have more to say, but The First 5 Years of Saturday Night Live is about to begin and I don't want to miss it...maybe I'll catch you later.

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Gladmomma said...

Hey Blue Neck and Maddog,

It's interesting to see the back and forth about Gannon/Guckert, but bottom line is that Gannon is NOT A journalist and not because he didn't go to school for it. I believe anybody can do anything they want if they really put forth effort and pay the dues. This guy not only didn't pay any dues, but his "reporting" is a laughable joke! Please, please, please provide some names of partisan Democrats who happen to be gay hookers, who don't really work for a news organization, who get to ask the most inane questions in the world! I'll take back everything I said if you can provide the above information.


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