Tuesday, January 25, 2005


By most any measure, our war with Iraq has been a massive failure.
--Instead of flowers thrown at us, bombs were.
--Instead of the people rising up and joining us, they've risen up and joined Al Quaeda.
--Instead of Ahmed Chalabi being an invaluable font of important information, he ended up being an amazingly overpriced font of worthless disinformation.
--Instead of the war being fought by a coalition of the willing, the members are less willing all the time to be IN the coalition.
--Instead of Iraqis taking to the idea of free elections like ducks to water, the Iraqis at the polls will probably be doing a lot of duck-n-cover.
--Instead of Iraqi oil revenues paying for the war, the new 80 Billion dollar request about to be made will put our costs at 300 billion dollars. Did you hear me? I said 300 BILLION. And that figure doesn't count interest(!).

1 victory: we deposed the mayor of Baghdad!

As you know, I could go on and on and on at the miscalculations, the pipe dreams and the out-n-out fantasies that this administration has indulged in, to the detriment of us all. But wait! There's more. Seymour Hersh has written an article on the very real possibility that the Neoconartists co-responsible for the Iraq war remain unsated. They still want to dominate the world.

These guys are bulldogs for democracy...and since they've sunk their teeth into the flesh of Afghanistan and Iraq, they just don't want to let go...'til they get Iran, too. The neoconartists would like through targeted air strikes to expose to Iranians that the powers that be are less powerful than the people believe. Pray tell why, you ask? Because then the people would rise up and finish the job, deposing their rulers.

I think I've read this script before! Bad script! Bad movie! Bad neoconartists!

My question is this: if these neoconartists had gotten laid in high school, would they still be trying to measure their manhoods by dominating the world? Is that what's really going on? And more importantly, can't we just hook these guys up with some nice conservative girls with loose morals and maybe just maybe they'll get laid and leave the worldwide domination fantasies where they belong: as fantasies. Hey, I can hope, can't I?


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Jackie said...

Sorry, V. I was going to let this slide, but I just can't do that. You were doing fine until you got to the 'getting laid' bit. That is such a guy thing, thinking that would solve all the world's problems. Of course, maybe if each one had the right woman to guide him............

At 8:39 PM, Blogger VTexan said...

You may misunderstand my "guy-ish" comment. I'm surmising--tongue in cheek--that since they didn't get laid in high school, they took their aggressions and their wounded egos to another performance venue...and waged war instead of lovemaking.

Yeah, that's a huge stretch. But ya gotta try to make sense of the senseless...let me know if you find a theory that makes any more sense than mine. :-)

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

You're just too subtle for me.
I read in sombody's column yesterday that neo means nuts in Latin (or was it Greek?) & that's about the only theory that can explain this crazy war.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger VTexan said...

Makes sense. I call them Neoconartists, so that's
Conartists="a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim"

Nutty Presidential Manipulators. Works 4 me!

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Me 2.


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