Bush Wins November, Michael Moore Wins January
I've been hearing since November 3rd, "George W. Bush won. Get over it! The people have spoken."
While I still have my misgivings about Ohio and Diebold voting machines, I'll give them that. Bush won. As to getting over it, not a chance. I "got over" Florida pretty quickly and the problems weren't fixed. There were clearly voting problems in the 2000 Florida debacle and I naively thought those problems would have effectively been addressed in the 4 years since.
Yet in Ohio there were 8-hour waits to vote--in poor neighborhoods of course, where people can less afford to take off work to vote. There was an Ohio county which initially registered more votes for Bush than there were registered voters.
And by the way, ever heard of one of these scenarios which have benefited Democrats? The mistakes always benefit Republicans. Mysterious, eh?
At any rate, Bush won in November and claimed a "mandate" and wants to cash in his political capital to get more done. Yikes.
So tonight's People's Choice Awards gets to the point I'm waiting for: People's Favorite Movie of the Year goes to...Fahrenheit 911! Michael Moore with a stylish little goatee goes up to the podium and dedicates the award to the men and women serving in Iraq. He says this is a great country and reminds people that this place isn't just for Democrats or Republicans, that it belongs to us all.
All very good sentiment. All very hard for the Sean Hannitys and the Rush Limbaughs to spin other than what it was: the people saw Shrek 2 and Spiderman in record numbers, then passed over those two films to choose Fahrenheit 911.
The people have once again spoken.
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