My Looney Left Outlook
Here's my bizarre wacko loony left outlook:
I believe in governmental accountability and a media which follows the money to show where influence and corruption originate and flourish. I believe the FCC should really view the airwaves as the public's and that those who milk money from it--that's us in the television media--should be made to prove they're serving the public.
I believe in reasonable constraints on business to protect the environment. There's only one environment and once you fuck it up it's hard to get it back.
I believe in a government fixated NOT on war, but on stopping the hemorrhaging of the middle class jobs. We're in debt up to our eyeballs on this stupid stupid Iraq mistake, and climbing out will take decades. I see more rich people now than I've ever seen in my 50 years. And I see far more destitute, sick and drug-dependent people. Th middle class is dying. I wish my government was trying hard to figure out a way to deal with that instead of spending millions of dollars a day in Iraq. Don't you?
I believe in psychological help to overcome drug problems instead of jail time to totally screw up people's lives. 1/4 of the $35,000 or more a year it takes to incarcerate people could pay for a helluva lot of high-grade counseling, and even hospitalization.
I believe we should find a way to elevate the wages of those who educate our children. We need better teachers because too many of the good ones are leaving the profession.
I believe that if we're the best country in the world, somehow there shouldn't be more than a hundred million of us who can't afford to get sick. We're gonna whether we can afford it or not.
We need an FDA which is more concerned with protecting people than on getting dangerous drugs approved so the already wealthy become far more so. I read recently that 40% of Americans are on prescribed drugs. Seems to me the FDA should be investigating THAT.
I'm looking all around for looniness but that stuff just doesn't sound looney. Seems to me that common sense runs right through the middle of all that.
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