The President's Press Conference
I just caught a portion of the President's press conference on NPR while I was out-n-about doing Christmas things. I suppose that we should be careful what we wish for...I always think he should have far more press conferences...then he has one and I just shake my head and are amazed that if the Martians landed and said "Take me to your leader" it's him I'd have to take them to.
I'm not amongst those who say George W. is stupid. He's nowhere near stupid. But as it relates to the talent of constructing sentences with nouns and verbs and complete thoughts, and of course the premise, which is HAVING SOMETHING TO SAY, he truly is stupid. The only endearing quality he has along these lines are seen by those who love him. His unpolished total lack of skill in extemporaneous speaking is remarkable, and excels all other men of high office that I can recall. But to his fans, that makes him all the more adorable!
Lyndon Johnson was a man of unquestioned intelligence. And Lord knows his accent was every bit as thick as Bush's--though Johnson came by his honestly. When Johnson spoke though, he had something intelligent and crafted to say, he just did so in the language of Texas' rural poor of that era. Absent his enormous Viet Nam mistake, I think he'd be considered one of the country's great presidents.
But we're stuck with the Shrub. Oh, Lord it's going to be a long 4 years! And I don't know whether to look forward to or dread the coming press conferences. Because if he doesn't speak to the public I worry about what we're not being told. And when he DOES speak to the public, he does so s-o-o-o poorly that it makes me worry even more about his competancy. 1 consolation: 2008!
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