Pat Yourself on the Back, Texas Liberal
I really admire you. You're just so...persistent. Resilient. And just plain ol' bent. You'd have to be to be a Texas Liberal.
It's tough being one hereabouts. And the best way to imagine how tough it can be is to conjure in your mind a great, big, lush, green, spreading maple tree. Then imagine it in West Texas (can you say wilt?). Texas is tough on the soft green leaves. And it's every bit as tough on liberals who are soft.
So if you're a liberal and you're in Texas, you ain't soft. "Hell, I don't even know what soft means!" you might be inclined to say. And I'd believe you. Because there jest ain't many of you in these parts.
Important note: when there aren't many of certain things--let's say they're a little rare--that means the price goes up. So if you'd like, you can choose to think of yourself as overwhelmed and outnumbered. And you'd be right. Or you can think of yourself as rare and valuable. And you'd be even more right!
And your value isn't confined to supply and demand reasoning. You're valuable because if left alone Republicans will screw things up from here to Christmas, then start all over again. You on the same page with me here? I thought so! We're Texas' most valuable resource. Forget the black gold...we're the ones who keep those dumb son-of-a-bushes from doing any more damage than they already are.
So pat yourselves on the back. You deserve my admiration. And for that matter, your own.
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