Monday, January 31, 2005

My Scream: We Need Howard Dean!

Upfront: the Dean Scream was one of the lowpoints of modern journalism. The So Called Liberal Media (SCLM-- made popular by Eric Alterman's excellent book,) failed us all miserably when it took the rather silly-sounding rallying cry that Dean yelled out to his disheartened supporters to try to pump them up...then played the scream 1000 times in the week between Iowa and New Hampshire on network news--yes, someone actually counted.
Those airings don't by the way, include local news, nor Jay Leno/Jay Letterman. That scream ran 1000+ times in less than a week!

So the SCLM turned a highly respected multi-term governor into a cartoon. Inquiring minds want to know how this could happen. Here's how: They allowed themselves to be manipulated by the powers that be...and they acted with a herd mentality. What they didn't act like are journalists.

Answer me this: when have you seen--before or since--the playing and replaying and replaying of what's considered an embarrassing moment by a politician? I think the word you're looking for is n-e-v-e-r. I have a bite we could play 1000 times: How about when GW Bush said "Too many OB-GYNS aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country"? This is a bite you didn't see again and again followed by furrow-brow'd pundits wondering whether the Bush Presidency could rebound from one of the most asinine things ever said by a public figure. And by the way, where was that SCLM we're always hearing about?

Dean had a medical degree and 14 years in and around the governor's office, during which time every Vermont adversary--and he had some--could have uncovered his bizarre behaviors. Surely if Dean were the wacked-out guy he was portrayed to be, tape would have surfaced that would have verified his insanity. Strangely though, no tape ever surfaced.

But Dean was from outside the Washington power structures. He wasn't in the Clinton camp and instead of towing the acquiescent party line, Dean said in uncompromising terms that Bush was absolutely wrong about Iraq and the Democratic party needed to find it's backbone and resist the war. Democrats searched with both hands, but couldn't find their backbones. Instead, they decided to kill Dean.

And kill his presidential bid, they did. But now Dean, a man of near limitless intellect and drive, has risen like a Phoenix. And I applaud the guy. It took a doctor to help the Democrats locate their spines. And I think he will make a fine Democratic party chair. I urge to you cast aside your pre-conceptions provided by the SCLM, and research for yourself the career of Howard Dean. You might well be surprised.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger Gladmomma said...

Hey Blue Neck,

Dean may finally be vindicated with an election to DNC Chair. He deserves it and I look forward to his direction of our party in the time heading into the 2006 elections. Governor Dean, you can scream at me and my party any time you want!

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there for "the scream" and Gov. Dean was doing all he could to be heard above the roar of hundreds of supporters stamping on a wooden dancefloor and screaming at the tops of their lungs. We made the noise, he had to yell to be heard over our noise.
As far as Dean as a candidate for DNC, read his plan for the DNC (below).
Deaniacs already get it, because we had training, support and resources from the top down in the Dean campaign, and that is what he plans for the DNC. We need to be a powerhouse 24-7, year after year in order to compete with the Repugnants.

Here's Dean's plan:

Dean's Plan for the DNC

By popular demand, as things should work in the Democratic Party and in our country, here is Governor Dean's plan for the DNC should he become the next chairman:

Show up! Never concede a single state, county, district or even a single voter to the Republicans. We must be active and compete in all 50 states and work with the state parties to build a truly national party.

Recruit, train, and encourage candidates to run for office at every level -- building tomorrow's farm team from the ground up. This was the founding principle behind Democracy for America.

Actively grow local Democratic committees in local communities. Local neighborhood advocates are our best spokespeople -- helping them reach out in their own communities will better articulate our message and enable the grassroots to support state and local candidates.

Better integrate national and state party operations. Specifically, that means: providing the state party the means to pay for its executive director in every state; building and sharing lists between the national and state parties; and creating an ongoing active presence -- a permanent campaign in every state that does not have to be recreated for only four months every four years.

Develop and articulate core Democratic principles that we all can agree on, that will let people know what our party stands for. We will not win elections or build a lasting majority solely by changing our rhetoric, nor will we win by adopting the other side's positions. We must say what we mean -- and mean real change when we say it.

Make Democrats the party of reform -- reforming America's financial situation, reforming our electoral process, reforming health care, reforming education and putting morality back in our foreign policy.

Utilize cutting edge Internet technology, not only to fundraise, but also as an effective organizing tool to recruit more supporters, communicate with them, and empower them to lead in their local communities.

Strengthen the party institutions and leadership institutes so that they rival the Republican machine that currently exists. These institutions must work together in a coordinated way to recruit new talent, develop leaders, articulate our values and elect Democrats at every level.

From: Boerne Deaniac


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