Have Republicans Found Their Collective Hearts?
Of course not. What they've found is yet another issue with which to frame the debate in the eyes of the American public. They're wanting to appear the kinder, gentler humanists against the Democrats--the party hoping to starve a young woman to death.
Republicans have dug deep to find previously little-used words like compassion and precious when referring to the value of human life. And in specific, the one human they're talking about is Terri Schaivo. These compassionate Republicans who find life so precious are the same folks who cut or discourage programs which benefit America's poor.
There is a disingenuousness to this whole affair that's about as angering as anything I've encountered of late. The Republican leadership continues to say one thing, do another, and at the same time, try like hell to make Democrats look bad in the process.
Ah, but maybe the American public is getting wise to this kind of manipulation. An ABC News Poll finds that 68% of Americans think removal of Ms. Schaivo's feeding tube was the right thing to do. And they thought that despite news coverage which was emotionally slanted toward the parents and away from Michael Schaivo. Just now as I type this out, Pat Boone's on Larry King weighing in on the matter. To which I respond Ain't That A Shame...
America, I gotta say: if you're looking to show some heart, go down and volunteer at an old folks home. You want to do something kind for someone in need? How about homeless children who are suffering along with their parents? Maybe you could take them some books to read, or pay for a medical visit? Besides not having a regular home life, Lord knows they're not getting the medical checkups they could use.
Deciding that a woman who's been in a vegetative state for 15 years should be the national focus of an outpouring of love, when there are millions of Americans who are fully awake, fully aware, and fully in need of so much, is testimony to how bizarre this society has become. On the up side, the ABC Poll cited above may encourage the public opinion whores deeply imbedded in the Republican leadership quit while they're behind on this fool's endeavor.
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