Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Sleazebag City

It’s Tom Delay, one of the most powerful politicians in the country. He’s elected with the help of the Christian right, to whom such things like honesty and propriety likely mean something. So what do they think of this? Click on Act Now, Without Delay. If you're reading this after 3/29, click on Archive and search for Tuesday March 29th.

The leader of the House of Representatives has been admonished three times by the House Ethics Committee just this year. Does that raise your eyebrows a bit? So who’s on the House Ethics Committee? None other than MY representative, wacked out fool Lamar Smith. I got to ruin a photo opportunity one time several years ago with Lamar Smith. He tried to lay out a lie about the Endangered Species act and I had told an Audubon Society friend about his photo-op. She showed up and questioned him where he thought there would be no questions, just an easy photo-op. He claimed that ranchers could no longer cut down cedar like the one he was standing next to.

"Yes they can" she maintained. She was right, he was wrong, and he knew it.

“Who invited you to this thing?” she said he asked her. I take some pride in having been the one!
But back to Tom Delay: He’s got a legal defense committee, on which Lamar Smith serves. Now this is the same time Lamar serves on the House Ethics Committee, which investigates Tom Delay.

‘Scuse me? I don’t smell a rat. I smell a vat of rat stew!

Born Again Christians: can you answer me why you’re not concerned with the ethics of one of your most beloved congressmen? Do you just turn off your concern about honesty when it comes to someone who’s exercising power for you in congress? That’s hypocritical, and in no small way. Jesus looked un-kindly at hypocrisy. If you really DO have ethical beliefs, I urge you to start applying them to Tom Delay. Because his ethics are at very least in question.


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