Sunday, April 24, 2005

Doing My Sunday Best in the Name of Religion

I'm all worked up, and nowhere to maybe where I should go is to blog city.

Where does this "I believe, therefore YOU must too..." attitude come from? I'm referring of course to this ever-increasing presence of the religious right in politics. Over the past several years, beginning with Reagan and culminating in the Bush administration, there's been a presence, then an influence, and now it seems a dominance of attitude over the Republicans by fundamentalists. These folks want to re-make the world, and the world they want to see is where there's no Rap, there's no porn, there's no abortion, there's prayer in school (whether you want it or not!), and the white girls date who it is they ought to date. You know what I mean.

Y'know, there are quite a number of things I'd like in this world. I'd like it if there were gates around Washington DC and at the checkpoint to get in there was a great big LOBBYISTMETER. If that Lobbyistmeter went off, then the person wouldn't be allowed into the nation's capitol.

I'd like it if all the manufacturers got together and issued a statement something like "we realize we haven't looked after this ol' world like we should. We're all going to try lots harder to stop polluting so much. Instead of resisting, we're going to embrace change on this issue. And by the way, we're sorry..."

I'd like it if all those morons with jacked up pickup trucks with huge tires and the stickers on the back window where someone is pissing on a Ford logo, or pissing on a Cheverolet logo, would all go and live in one state. Nebraska. Mississippi. I don't care where, but someplace far away from here. They're such obnoxious people.

I'd like it if everyone who wanted to work could get a job. I'd be happy to see everyone who's sick get the help they need to get better. I'd like to see the auto industry release every last invention it has which increases gas mileage.

There's a lot of things I'd like to have happen, but the down side to being a free country is that we all have the right to make bad decisions. It's a right we hold dearly here it seems, because we make so many of them.

Back to Fundamentalist Christians. Thank you, but no thank you. I don't believe that Jesus is on your side. He didn't believe in making war, and surely not for the half-baked reasons your leader cooked up. Jesus believed that people should embrace the truth because they felt they should embrace the truth. Not because they were pressured to do so by a government.

This marriage of the extreme religious right with the current day Republican Leadership is spooky. It ain't Taliban Spooky, but it's definitely Twilight Zone spooky. I urge you, resist it. If you're in a setting where someone wants to steamroll you with their religion, politely decline to participate. Or if they wanna argue, do! Let 'em know that there are other intelligent perspectives and that they don't get to ride roughshod over people who aren't on the same page as them. If they can't handle that, tough! This is America buddy; we all have a right to our opinions. Can't handle that? Then choose the Theocracy of your preference and move. This country has a freedom of--and from--religion. That means you can worship however the heck you want to...but that doesn't mean I have to.


At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tell everyone that wants to live in a fundamentalist nation to move to Iran...they've got it all!

Best bumper sticker I've seen around San Antonio:
Who Would Jesus Bomb?

God help us.


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