The Essential Difference Between Them and Us
As the battle looms in the senate over whether or not they will change the Constitutionally-guaranteed right to filibuster, there are those of legal mind who can tell you more legalities than you have the patience to listen to. I'm going to stick to areas where I know a little something: psychology.
There is a Tsunami of conservatism in this country right now which threatens anyone with half a free-thinking bone in his body. If you're reading this blog, I'm probably talking about you. Why does it threaten? Because the evangelical Christian right isn't just content to raise their families how they want, home school with a ciriculum which conforms to their belief, have a stranglehold on the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court and the Presidency. No, that's simply not enough. They want to create such a grip on power that those who think differently are just shit outta luck. And perhaps even an endangered species.
I don't know about you, but my Christian upbringing taught me to believe that wasn't fair. One of the things that stuck with me, even after a lot of the rest went away is this: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Christian or not, that's powerful stuff, doncha think?
But back to politics: if they're able to wrest the last significant point of power Democrats have to resist their dominance, they'll be stocking judgeships with people of like mind and ruling propensities.
Still not rattled?
Once they do, they'll close "head shops" like the one in Austin where I bought my "Why is there always money for war, but not education?" bumper sticker. They'll decide that the internet is waaaay too free and clean it up. But as they "clean" it up, will they stop with porn, or will they continue on to places like this, where folks who don't believe as they do say what they want? Ladies--I suspect your right to choose will be gone within 2 or 3 years. Abortion's a darned ugly a thing, but not as ugly as the reality of not having the right to make your own decision about it. Then there's prayer in school.
Jewish? Just bow your head; the prayer will go by quickly.
Muslim?'re lucky we tolerate you in these parts.
Atheist? Y'know what? I think you need an ass whuppin'...
So the difference between us and them is that I think they should have the right to be as Christian as they wanna be. But they don't think I should have the right to be who I am, if I'm not like them.
Two Important points here:
1. One of the key points of Christianity is Free Will. You're supposed to choose Jesus, not have him shoved down your throat.
2. This is America. They're proud Americans. Isn't this the land of the Free? Well...not if they get control.
So the difference between them and us is in my world, they're safe. In their world, I'm...well, the enemy.
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