Monday, June 06, 2005

Political Potpourri

There's not a single theme let me just rant a bit.

Last night I was blogging here and fortunately showed it to the wife before I hit publish. Basically I was going to post that you'll be surprised by this post: I don't have a lot of sympathy with the Gitmo prisoners who had to witness Koran abuse. I went into a rant about how a Koran--or a Bible--is just a book. That the value it has is contained within each of our hearts and brains and that the book was just that--a book.

Further I said I thought everyone was being waaay too sensitive about this whole Koran thing. I'm a believer in Americans' right to buy a flag, and if they choose, burn it. That the flag contains nothing--it's what it represents inside us all that has value.

About that time the wife walked up and informed me that it was the prisoners' Korans that were abused, not something the guards brought in. Boy did I feel dumb! Still do. Don't know how that fact escaped me, but there it is. So my sympathy returned from where it had been.

Shut up Joe Biden! I didn't think I'd ever say that, because I like ol' Joe. But a couple of times recently he's said a couple of things I really didn't like. For one thing, he's mentioned that despite all these massive misgivings against Bolton, he intends to vote for him.


We're supposed to find the best man for the job. When you say you have tons of misgivings, you've not found the best man for the job. Could that be any more obvious?

Joe Biden: call Dr. Howard Dean. He can help you find your spine.

Speaking of Howard Dean, Joe Biden said that Dean doesn't speak for him, or a lot of Democrats. Well, I'll tell you Joe: Dean speaks for me. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore. When I see Republicans doing awful things to the country, I'm not going to say "I think we may be headed in the wrong direction." I'm going to say "Republicans are doing awful things to the country."

That's what Dean is doing. That being direct and forthright and to speak the truth is perceived as a mistake by you Mr. Biden is a damned shame. Because I think the only way that Democrats can stop being perceived as wimps and without a strong sense of self is for Democrats to stop being wimps and to establish a strong sense of self. This namby-pamby, meet-'m-3/4-of-the- way-towards-their-side tactics that Democrats have been using the last 2 and 1/2 decades has a very poor track record.

There. Rant done.


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